Duty of Care Fulfillment
Working with a qualified tree care service can protect you from potential liability and streamline your maintenance.
5 Common-Sense Ways to Fulfill Your Duty of Care
1. Do what is customarily expected of a competent company.
Consult with a Certified I.S.A. arborist and do a risk assessment of all existing trees and develop a Scope of Care proposal.
2. Develop a written long-term Tree Care Plan by consulting with an arborist tree service.
Document the actions you will take to follow the plan.
3. Quickly notify management of potential hazards and risks.
Report potentially dangerous situations, such as cracked limbs, to property owners. Train your employees to be aware, report problems, and even stop work, if needed.
Communicate in writing via paper, email, or text to show that you notified the management of problems.
4. Follow your written Tree Care program.
Document all the care and maintenance your company performs.
5. Don’t do work you are not trained to do.
Recognize when a project requires skills or experience you don’t have and call an expert.
Trusted Local Commercial Tree Care Experts
Heritage Tree Care arborist tree service can:
- Assess your tree inventory.
- Create a Scope of Care proposal to provide a long-term plan.
- Provide an accurate picture of the health and stability of your trees and discuss potential liability problems.
- Develop a tree wellness program.

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What is the Standard of Care?
Are you responsible for maintaining one tree, one thousand, or somewhere in between? If so, you have a legal duty to maintain the trees and to reduce potential hazards to property and people.
This requires you to act with attention, caution, and care while you fulfill your work or contract. We refer to this as a Duty of Care.
You can protect yourself by working within the normal Standard of Care for your industry and documenting what you do. If you don’t, your acts are considered negligent, and you can be responsible for any damages which occur.
Taking this common-sense approach will show your expertise in caring for the beautiful trees on your property.
Commercial Tree Care Services
Health Care
Our experienced tree care crews have the equipment and training to get the job done, with minimal disruption to your schedule.
Risk Assessment
You can trust the results of our Certified Tree Risk Assessors who have years of commercial experience and specialized training.
Short and Long Term Tree Care Planning
Trimming, soil restoration, and more—maintaining trees on commercial property is complicated. We have the tools, techniques, and training to do it all.
Tree Maintenance
Proper maintenance of trees is one of the best ways to prevent unnecessary injury or property damage. We provide a full range of commercial tree maintenance services.
Serving Central Texas Since 2010
One-stop comprehensive tree care services for: Bastrop, Cedar Creek, Elgin, McDade, Paige, Red Rock, Rosanky, Smithville, Camp Swift, Circle D-KC Estates, Mustang Ridge, Wyldwood, Alum Creek, Bateman, Butler, Circle D Estates, Clearview, Colorado, Elysium, Flower Hill, Grassyville, Hills Prairie, Jeddo, Jordan, KC Estates, Kovar, Phelan, Pin Oak, Pine Hills, Rockne, Salem, Sayersville, String Prairie, Swiftex, Togo, Upton, Utley, Watterson and Willman.